DEI Committee Convenings
2022-2023 DEI Committee Convenings:
Fall Quarter - November 10, 2022, Noon - 1:30 pm via Zoom
1. Overview and discussion of the New IDEAL Faculty Leader (IFL) Pilot Program Presenter: Prof. Eric Shaqfeh, Lester Levi Carter Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and IDEAL Faculty Leader
2. Sharing of current committee top projects and challenges
Winter Quarter - February 9, 2023, Noon - 1:30 pm via Zoom
Vice Provost Matt Snipp discussed current topics. Committees shared current projects, issues and challenges
Spring Quarter DEI Committee Appreciation Lunch and Mini-Conference, April 28, 2023, 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
Breakout sessions on Equity-Minded Workloads by Design, Faculty Recruitment and Hiring, Mentoring, and Graduate Education.
Contact for more information.
About Past DEI Committee Convenings:
The First Convening of Stanford’s Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Departmental Committees was held on Thursday, January 28, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, hosted by the Office of Faculty Development, Diversity and Engagement (OFDDE). Faculty and staff members serving on departmental or school-level DEI committees met to learn about DEI-related initiatives and resources available at Stanford, to share information across committees about successful and promising practices, and to build networks among committee members.
The Spring Convening of Faculty DEI Committees was held on Friday, April 23, 2021 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. The focus of this meeting was on ways to gather information about your department or school’s climate for diversity, equity and inclusion. Brian Cook, Director of Assessment and Program Evaluation in the office of Institutional Research & Decision Support (IRDS) made a presentation about the campus-wide diversity, equity and inclusion survey to be conducted in May and how these data may be useful as you consider your local climate. In addition, he discussed other campus data resources and ways that you might gain further insight about your department’s climate. An interactive conversation followed by an opportunity for peer-to-peer networking and idea generation concluded the meeting.
Spring Quarter DEI Committee Appreciation Lunch was held May 18, 2022, Noon – 1:30 pm
Location: Lomita Mall Green South (outdoors grass area, in front of Building 360)
Virtual Winter Quarter DEI Committee Convening held March 4, 2022, from Noon – 1:30 pm
- Update on new resources available to help faculty members create more inclusive climates
- Overview of findings from the campus-wide DEI Climate Survey by Brian Cook, director of assessment and program evaluation in the office of Institutional Research and Decision Support
- Group sharing of innovations and issues from your committee (via google sheet and small groups)
Future convenings will be held once a quarter. For more information contact Susan Drange, associate vice provost in the Office of Faculty Development, Diversity and Engagement at
Subscribe to the Department and School DEI Committees mailman list
Slides and Resources from the DEI Committee Convening on January 28, 2021
Slides from Office of Faculty Development, Diversity and Engagement
Slides from Center for Teaching and Learning (