Creating Inclusive Spaces of Belonging
Berkeley Interactive Theater: Creating Inclusive Spaces of Belonging
Virtual via Zoom – Two-Workshop Series
Faculty members, department chairs, and members of departmental DEI Committees are invited to participate in a series of two virtual workshops that point to problem areas in research labs and mentoring/advising situations with students, trainees and colleagues. Participants in the workshop series will learn how to use an inclusive mindset and specific communication techniques to build more inclusive and equitable environments in labs, research groups and departments.
Please register for the sessions you can attend, however, to gain the full benefit and maximize practice opportunities, participation in both workshops is recommended and preference will be given to those who can participate in the entire series.
Workshop 1
May 11, 2022 Noon - 2:00 pm
This workshop uses a live-via-Zoom Interactive Theater Performance to highlight the ways in which implicit bias, microaggressions, and microinequities impact members of our academic community. Dialogue with the characters provides insight about the difference between the intent versus the impact of words and actions in research groups and in mentoring/advising situations with students, trainees and between faculty colleagues. Workshop 1 also introduces the concept of an inclusive mindset to enhance a climate of belonging.
Workshop 2
May 25, 2022 Noon - 2:00 pm
This workshop further explores scenes from the interactive theater performance shown in Workshop 1. Participants engage in group problem-solving and practice using different communication approaches to address and interrupt instances of microaggression and microinequity.
No additional workshops are scheduled at this time, however facilitation materials for two one-hour department workshops are available from OFDDE. Please contact Susan Drange for information about these materials.
Sponsored by The Office of Faculty Development Diversity, and Engagement, in collaboration with the offices of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences; Equity and Inclusion Initiatives in the School of Engineering; Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in the School of Humanities and Sciences; and Faculty Development and Diversity in the School of Medicine.