Faculty Mentoring Resources for Department Chairs
Deans, department chairs, and senior faculty have a role in facilitating the orientation and development of early career faculty members at Stanford.
Stanford Resources
For the most current Stanford University policies concerning "Junior Faculty Counseling and Mentoring," please consult Chapter 2, Section 8 of the Faculty Handbook, and scroll down to section 2.8.1.
Mentoring Faculty Guide This self-paced guide includes information, tools, and resources for senior faculty and chairs who have a role in mentoring early career faculty. It is intended to supplement existing school and department procedures and programs. While the focus of this guide is mentoring early career faculty, many of the same principles can apply to mentoring mid-level and senior faculty, particularly those focused on career transitions or new professional directions.
Faculty Mentoring beyond Stanford
- Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring – Office of the Provost, Columbia University
- Career Development Award Toolkit is a virtual resource center through the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs offering information on fostering strong mentoring relationships. The site offers extensive access and resources for mentors and their proteges.
- National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is a nationwide consortium, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, that offers a plethora of training and opportunities to connect for mentors and mentees in the biosciences.
- Giving and Getting Career Advice: A Guide for Junior and Senior Research Faculty – A resource from the University of Michigan.