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Mentoring Programs and Resources

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OFDDE provides a number of programs and resources to support professional development as a mentor of graduate students and faculty, as well as for managing mentoring programs.

Programs and Workshops

For the most current Stanford University policies concerning "Junior Faculty Counseling and Mentoring," please consult Chapter 2, Section 8 of the Faculty Handbook, and scroll down to section 2.8.1.

Building Effective Mentoring Relationships (for mentors, mentees and Chairs)

Providing effective mentorship to one's students and to faculty colleagues is an essential part of the faculty role. Effective mentorship of doctoral students and trainees is considered part of one’s teaching portfolio in evaluation for tenure and promotion. Building Effective Mentoring Relationships is a new self-paced course for mentors of doctoral students, mentors of faculty, department chairs and others who oversee mentorship structures, as well as for faculty mentees themselves. This course provides a wealth of tools, resources, and research-based best practices to enable effective mentoring relationships. The course has been designed to take approximately three hours and may be broken up into multiple short segments to suit your own schedule. The course site includes a valuable set of resources that you may return to again and again, as needed.  Click here for self-registration link.  

Mentoring, Advising, and Starting a Lab (for Early Career Faculty) 

John Boothroyd, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Burt and Marion Avery Professor of Immunology provides a series of video modules to help you start your lab and mentor and advise students and trainees. Even if you are not a lab scientist, these modules contain helpful information about mentoring and advising students, including how to set expectations and tips for one-on-one mentoring and establishing yourself as an early career faculty member. Click here for the self-registration link

Mentorship is Scholarship

Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi, world-renowned chemist, Nobel Laureate, recipient of the AAAS Lifetime Mentor Award, and leader in advancing diversity in the sciences discusses how mentorship catalyzes innovation, accelerates knowledge transfer, and fosters the next generation of trailblazing researchers.Recorded session, Click here for the self-registration link.

Mentoring Faculty Guide (for senior faculty and Chairs)

This self-paced guide includes information, tools, and resources for senior faculty and chairs who have a role in mentoring early career faculty. It is intended to supplement existing school and department procedures and programs. While the focus of this guide is mentoring early career faculty, many of the same principles can apply to mentoring mid-level and senior faculty, particularly those focused on career transitions or new professional directions.
Click here for the self-registration link.

Additional Programs and Resources

National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is a nationwide consortium, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, that offers a plethora of training and opportunities to connect for mentors and mentees in the biosciences.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity – Stanford faculty members may access the mentor network of alums of the NCFDD's Faculty Success Program and other resources.

Giving and Getting Career Advice: A Guide for Junior and Senior Research Faculty – A resource from the University of Michigan.

Career Development Award Toolkit is a virtual resource center through the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs offering information on fostering strong mentoring relationships. The site offers extensive access and resources for mentors and their proteges.

Tools and Guides

For the most current Stanford University policies concerning "Junior Faculty Counseling and Mentoring," please consult Chapter 2, Section 8 of the Faculty Handbook, and scroll down to section 2.8.1.

Guide to Best Practices in Faculty Mentoring – Office of the Provost, Columbia University

Giving and Getting Career Advice: A Guide for Junior and Senior Research Faculty – A resource from the University of Michigan.


Survive and Thrive: A Guide for Untenured Faculty, Wendy Crone. Mogan & Claypool Publishers. 2010.

Advice for New Faculty Members, Robert Boice. Pearson. 2000.

Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty, Second Edition (free and available online), Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Burroughs Wellcome Fund. 2006. 

Getting the Most out of Your Mentoring Relationships: A Handbook for Women in STEM, Donna J. Dean. Springer. 2009.

The Academic Medicine Handbook: A Guide to Achievement and Fulfillment for Academic Faculty, Laura Weiss Roberts, editor. Springer. 2013.

Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for Academic Careers in Science and Engineering, Richard Reis. IEEE Press and Wiley. 1996 and 2012.

At the Helm: A Laboratory Navigator. Kathy Barker. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. 2002.

Mentoring for Academic Careers in Engineering: Proceedings of the PAESMEM/Stanford School of Engineering Workshop, 2005.